Library of Congress joins the Flickr fun!
Do we have any Flickr fans out there?
If you don’t know what Flickr is you must visit it at once.
It is an online photo community. People can join and post their photos to show their friends and family or they can make them public for others to see and comment on. There are lots of groups on Flickr you can join, such as bird lovers where you can post your pictures of birds and others do as well and create a nice little community of people with similar interest in birds.
Ok now that we know what flickr is, the Library of Congress now has an account!
Along with their 530 miles of books shelves, the Library of Congress also has a fantastic photo collection. They have been uploading some of those photos to Flickr for the world to see, enjoy and comment on! They invite people to tag (a descriptive word for the photo) the photos as well.