Library News
New: Text Your Questions to NU Libraries
Note: This post contains out-of-date information as of April 2019. Please visit our contact page for current information on how to contact the Library.
Receive an answer to your library questions via text message through the newest addition to Snell Library Reference Services. Here’s how:
Send to 66746
Begin your text message with the word husky
Librarians at the research assistance desk will respond as soon as possible. When the desk is closed you will receive an automated response and we will answer your question the next day.
Text a Librarian assigns a random ID number to each question before forwarding it to the library, so your telephone number remains private. There is no charge from the library for the service; however, charges from your cell phone provider may apply.
Text a Librarian is best suited for brief questions that can be answered in a short message. For more detailed reference help, visit the research assistance desk on the second level of Snell Library, use our ASK 24/7 online chat service or send us an email.
Mobile Survey Results and Thanks!
Many thanks to all those who participated in our recent survey of mobile devices and what you’d like us to offer on a mobile platform.
Here’s what you told us you wanted:
Nucat (80.8%) Hours (75%) Renew my books (71%) Text message (53.8%) Journal articles (42.3%)
Among the suggestions that people wrote in, only one appeared more than once, and that was “reserve a group study room.” There was only one duplicate among the suggestions: “Reserving a study room”–while there’s no online system for doing that, you can call, same day only, 617-373-8778.
Altogether we had 52 respondents total. Undergrad/grad students and library staff participated. In my view, however, visitors to the library who are not familiar with NU might appreciate being able to get basic access, wireless and lost and found information on their mobile device.
Most respondents who answered the question about devices are using the blackberry. I was surprised not to see more i-phones listed, but a lot of people did not answer the question.
I know it seems like a setup, but we ARE adding a text messaging service to our existing suite of options for contacting a librarian. You’ll hear more about that if you read our blog this week!