Library News

New Scholarly Communication Resource

“Scholarly communication” may not sound like all that exciting of a topic, but there’s actually so many interesting ways in which it affects all of us in academia, whether we’re students, faculty, or staff. A committee here at Snell Library has been working really hard to assemble a resource for the NU community on scholarly communication. This website provides news and information about topics related to this issue, such as academic publishing, copyright issues, and open access. Be sure to check out this great new site if you’re interested in any of these areas!

Restaurant Week Boston

Restaurant Week Boston is a great way to break up the winter doldrums that hit once February passes and you realize that winter hasn’t lost its hold just yet. This event gives you a chance to sample some of the area’s finest restaurants (and not-so-finest) for the reasonable price of $33.08 (for dinner). The restaurants that participate offer a prix fixe menu Sunday – Friday for two weeks in March. You go in, ask for the RW menu, select an appetizer, an entree, and a dessert – most places have several choices for each course – then enjoy the meal and the company. True, sometimes the selections are a little weak (last year, nearly every restaurant had the same cheap cut of beef) or sometimes lacking in variety, but almost always excellently prepared or prepared in some unique way. If you want to explore what that restaurant you’ve always heard about has to offer without spending a lot, dress up for a night out with friends, and forget that OMG, it’s freezing outside, make your reservations without reservation. You’ll have lots of fun.

Hello, world!

I’m here with my brand new gravatar, which I selected in honor of Uno the Beagle. Some of my interests are business research, acoustic guitars, and strength training. Hope to see more of everyone soon!

February Exhibits @ Snell Library

NU Student Groups on Campus Have you been thinking about joining a NU student group? Snell Library is highlighting student groups on campus and the contributions they make to the Northeastern community. Take a look at the groups that have exhibited. You might find something to spark your interest!
  • Campus Girl Scouts
  • NU Barkada
  • Spectrum Literary Arts Magazine
  • Distilled Harmony
  • Sigma Delta Tau
  • Nor’easters A Capella
The exhibit will be up through the month of February in the foyer of Snell Library, so come and check it out. Also in the library exhibit case is an exhibit celebrating Black History month. This exhibit, put together by Kantigi Camara, Head Librarian, O’Bryant African American Institute Library, celebrates the lives of African American men and women who have made an impact on American life and culture. Come and check out the posters and statues. It is a great visual exhibit!

Authors Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein at the Library

Authors of Aristotle and an Aardvark Go to Washington: Understanding Political Doublespeak through Philosophy and Jokes, Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein will be speaking in 421 Snell Library on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 @ Noon as part of the Meet the Author series.