Library News

Spread the word: New full-text e-resources in medicine, pharmacy, and physical therapy are now available

AccessPhysiotherapy covers physical therapy, AccessMedicine covers medical/health sciences, and AccessPharmacy is the tool of choice for pharmacy. These resources from McGraw-Hill were designed especially for instructors and students, with a focus on curricular topics, Q & A, self-assessment, core titles for assigned reading, high quality images, animation tools to convey concepts, and videos that demonstrate clinical practices.  Content can be embedded in Blackboard. Mobile access: These resources are optimized for the iPhone, Google Android devices and the Blackberry Bold. Highlights: AccessPhysiotherapy
  • 500+ videos and narrated lectures in key topics in orthopedics, neurology and sports medicine; demonstrations of various examination and treatment techniques
  • Anatomy and Physiology Revealed”, a powerful cadaver dissection tool with imaging slides and animations
  • Essentials of Neuroscience in Physical Therapy”, an ongoing lecture series, which combines graphics, case studies, and narration to teach key neuroscience and neuroanatomy concepts relating to physical therapy
  • “Custom Curriculum”, a cutting edge tool to assign, manage, and track the progress of student assignments
  • 77 essential medical texts, including “Harrison’s Online”, “Hurst’s The Heart”, “Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment”, and “DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination”
  • Thousands of photos and illustrations
  • Diagnosaurus, the differential diagnosis tool
  • Interactive patient safety modules, musculoskeletal exams, case files, and Q & A
  • 200+ procedural videos and Grand Rounds lectures
  •  Drug databases, cases, self-assessment tools, animations, and full text of these core titles:
    • DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 8e
    • Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach, 8e
    • Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12e
    • Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics, 6e
    • Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 12e
    • Casarett & Doulls Essentials of Toxicology, 2e
    • Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 4e
    • Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology, 24e
    • Pharmacy and Federal Drug Law Review
    • Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, 2e
    • Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 6e
Register for a My AccessMedicine, My AccessPharmacy or My AccessPhysiotherapy account to enter the mobile sites, save and download images, bookmark content pages, view and print CE certificates, customize patient education handouts, re-run recent searches, and use the Custom Curriculum. For more information on health sciences resources, please see the biomedical and health subject guides.  

Scholar OneSearch Quick Tip: E-Journal Finder

Now that Scholar OneSearch is live, we want to help you get the most out of this research tool!  This is our first installment in a series of Scholar OneSearch Quick Tips. Today’s tip: accessing and using the e-journal finder. You can access the list of all our e-journals through the E-journal A-Z link at the top right of the Scholar OneSearch page.   Access the E-Journal A-Z list   Once you’re on the E-journal A-Z page, if you’d like to limit to a specific journal title or a research area, you can enter terms into the search box (as I did for “secondary education” here):   Searching e-journal list for a research area     More details on each title are available under the tabs. For example, you can view our holdings information for any of those journals by clicking the ‘view online’ tab:   Holdings information is available under the 'view online' tab   What Scholar OneSearch tips would you like to learn about?  Let us know! Related information:

Updated: Scholar OneSearch Replaced NUCat on July 1st, 2013

Update, July 1, 2013: Scholar OneSearch is live! We’re very excited to be able to share this new service with you, and we hope to hear your feedback about the service. WorldCat is also back online, along with all of the myNUCat functions that had been offline, login to Scholar OneSearch with your myNEU credentials to get started. Update, June 28, 2013: The interlibrary loan service WorldCat is currently unavailable due to the system changeover, but do not despair: you can still order any materials you need through ILLiad! Our apologies for the disruption in service, and thank you for understanding. We will update here when the service is restored. Update, June 26, 2013: With the change from NUCat to Scholar OneSearch, all functions of myNUCat will be offline from 11:00pm tonight, Wednesday, 6/26/13, until the new system comes online July 1. This includes placing holds, renewing materials, viewing fines, and self-service room reservations. Room reservations are still available, however, details are here. You can still borrow and return books from Snell Library, as well, you’ll just have to stop by the Circulation & Information desk by the front doors to Snell Library. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this transition, all self-service functions will be back online starting sometime on July 1st. — There’s a lot of exciting change coming to the library this summer. If you’ve been in Snell Library, you’ve seen the construction work taking place on the 1st floor, which will provide wonderful new individual and group study spaces for the Northeastern community. Another major change will occur on July 1 as our legacy NUCat library catalog is replaced by a sophisticated new research tool called Scholar OneSearch. Using Scholar OneSearch, you will be able to search the library collections, articles and more from one search box. Or, if you prefer, you will be able to limit your search to just the library collections as you did formerly with NUCat. Scholar OneSearch is the front end to a major new automated library management system in the Northeastern libraries, which is now also being implemented in many other libraries across the world, including Princeton, Purdue, Boston College, University of Minnesota and hundreds more. Because this system is new to Northeastern and relatively new to libraries in general, it will be enhanced over the summer and beyond as we gather user feedback. So we need to hear from you about any thoughts you have about Scholar OneSearch, any problems you encounter or any changes you would like to see. Meanwhile, if you have personal lists and borrowing history in your myNuCat account and you need that information, please be sure to print them out or save them before July 1st. Thank you for helping us to make your library research experience the best it can be!

3D Printing is Coming to Snell Library!

This fall, the Digital Media Commons at Snell Library will be home to a new studio with 3D printers, 3D scanners, and more. 3D printing, or “additive manufacturing,” is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital model. The technology involves using additive processes where objects are created from adding layers of materials and is being used to make all kinds of products in different fields, from medicine to engineering to retail. The new 3D studio will be accessible to everyone across campus, too, so you’ll be able to learn about 3D printing and try it out for yourself. More information on how you’ll be able to do that is coming soon. While Northeastern has already been active in the 3D printing world, bringing this technology into Snell Library now will make this cutting-edge technology available to the whole community. In recent years, several colleges and departments have added in 3D printers and faculty, staff, and students have been working on 3D projects. Just today, for example, the news @ Northeastern has a 3Qs with Constantinos Mavroidis, a professor in engineering, talking about his work in bringing 3D printing to biomedical research.

ANA figure

An ANA print-out. 
Another Northeastern 3D project, called ANA, is particularly interesting. ANA prints physical 3D objects that store information via alphanumeric text. You can type text into ANA’s website and the text is coded into the printed object, making the object a storage tool for information. The result of a capstone project, ANA was created by visiting professor Janos Stone who partnered with Sia Mohammadalipoor, a mathematics PhD candidate; Michael Godlewski, an undergraduate senior in Digital Art and Interactive Media; Stephen J Elliott, an undergraduate senior in Programming and Computer Science; and Hooman Javaheri, a PhD candidate in Computer Science. As you might be able to tell from the varying backgrounds of the ANA creators, an important part of 3D printing at Northeastern is the emphasis on interdisciplinary applications. At the new Snell Library 3D studio, 3D printing, as well as other new technologies, will be woven not only into engineering and the sciences, but design and the arts as well. This is one of the reasons the facility at Snell Library will be unique–it will be a resource for everyone on campus and not be restricted to a particular major or grade level.
Looking beyond Northeastern, universities around the world have started to use 3D printing to do a number of cool things. Computer scientists at Harvard are conducting research on how to make 3D printing useful for artists and animators, and in one case, developing software for printing 3D action figures from digital animation files. They’re basically creating a software tool that translates 3D animations into fully articulated action figures(!).
Case Western Reserve University has opened a space for the new technology called Think[box] where 3D printers, laser cutters, and other tools are available for students’ use, and Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand also opened a 3D Model Workshop equipped with metalwork and woodwork machines.

Over the course of the summer and into the fall semester we’ll have more information up about what will be available in the 3D studio at Snell and how you can get involved, but the first step is to think up ideas for what you want to 3D print—what will you create?

Time for Popcorn

The Microwaves               Drumroll please! We’ve brought the microwaves back in response to your feedback through surveys and the Town Hall Meeting last semester! Thanks for all your feedback–we appreciate it. They’re temporarily located on the second floor behind the printer room. Please be respectful of others and make sure to keep the area clean. Enjoy!