Photocopiers! Trying to Find a Photocopier? Me Too!
Today I noticed a lot of students looking for copiers. There are actually several throughout the building. I thought this post might help you to find the ones you can use.
Coin/cash machines on 3rd and 4th Level
There is one coin/cash machine on Level Three and one on Level Four near the back elevator. The other copiers on that floor take old print/copy cards– if you still have an old card you can add value to these. We are in the process of changing systems, so sorry, we are no longer dispensing them. When we know more details about the full transition date, we will let you know right here.
Husky card machines in Cyber Cafe and 2nd Level
There are two copiers that accept husky card dollars: one is on Level One in the Cyber Cafe, the other is on Level Two near the print newspapers (turn left and follow wall as you walk from the main stairwell onto the floor, past the newspapers).
*Vandalism Alert* – Unfortunately, yesterday, several of the copy machines had the tops torn off them. This has been reported to the Northeastern Police Department, who is investigating. The photocopy vendors have also been informed in order to make repairs.
Hopefully you will have smooth copying experiences. Please go ahead and post updates.
Maria Carpenter
Director, Advancement, Marketing and Communications