Join us for the 2025 Reading Challenge!

The Northeastern University Library is excited to announce our second annual Reading Challenge! We’re welcoming 2025 with new themes, new prizes, and more events to celebrate reading at all of Northeastern’s global campuses.

Logo for the 2025 Northeastern University Library Reading Challenge

How to Participate

Step 1: Read a Book

Northeastern librarians have chosen a reading theme for each month of 2025. Your challenge is simply to read a book (or listen to an audiobook) that fits the theme.

Need some inspiration? Librarians have put together a list of suggested e-books and audiobooks in Libby for readers to enjoy each month. If you’re in Boston, you can also stop by the monthly tabling event in the Snell Library lobby to browse on-theme books or pick up a book and settle in for some cozy reading time at a drop-in reading party. Check out the library calendar for more information.

Step 2: Tell Us About It

Once you’ve read your book, fill out a brief form about what you read. At the end of every month, one name will be drawn from the pool of participants and the winner will receive a prize. Prizes vary each month and include gift cards, posters, Northeastern swag, and more. There are also special prize drawings for readers who complete three, six, and twelve months of the challenge.

The Themes

Ready to get started? The themes for 2025 are:

Reading Challenge monthly themes

January: A memoir or autobiography
February: A book based in a city where Northeastern has a campus
March: A book that has won or been shortlisted for an award
April: A book recommended by a librarian
May: A book set in your hometown or local area
June: A story of resistance
July: A collection of short stories, essays, or poetry
August: A book translated from another language
September: A book set somewhere you’d like to travel
October: A banned book
November: A book about the field you’re studying
December: A retelling of a classic myth, fairytale, or folktale

For more information on the challenge, visit the Reading Challenge page or contact Brooke Williams, Research & Student Success Librarian, at Good luck and happy reading!