Digital Media Design Studio Closing August 21st

The Library’s Digital Media Design Studio (DMDS) closes its doors on August 21st. Beginning on August 26th, most of the Studio’s services will be distributed elsewhere in the library, while construction of an innovative landscape of improved facilities and services gets underway. Here is how we are addressing key services:
  • Basic audio and video recording rooms will be temporarily available on the first floor in while construction for an improved suite of studios are built for spring term. Reservations to use the temporary studios will be available through a new booking system.
  • Multimedia workstations with a full suite of software are available in the Digital Media Commons.
  • Media equipment, such as video and audio recorders, will be available for check-out from the new first floor Help & Information Desk.
  • Instructional sessions, workshops and support for multimedia projects will continue to be available to you and your students, either in your classroom or library location, as appropriate. Learn more about instruction here.
  • We will assist you with media reformatting, duplication and digitization requests, in partnership with Terry Beadle of Academic Technology Services.
  • Unfortunately, we will not be able to assist with off-air recording requests during the fall.
Staff offices are also changing in September. Temporarily, Thomas Bary and Jonathan Iannone will reside in 260 SL, adjacent to the 2d floor Digital Media Commons (DMC). Library and Information Services student staff will continue to provide a wide range of media and printing services from the DMC Information desk. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Let’s discuss how we can work together to meet your research and curricular needs in the coming school year. Debra Mandel   Associate Dean (Acting), User Services 320 Snell Library (617) 373-4902

Scholar OneSearch Quick Tip: Search the Library Catalog

Now that Scholar OneSearch is live, we want to help you get the most out of this research tool! This is our next installment in a series of Scholar OneSearch Quick Tips. Today’s tip: searching the library catalog. The default option in Scholar OneSearch lets you search beyond Northeastern University Library holdings and includes articles from a variety of journals, because the tool is meant to help people quickly discover all kinds of information in different formats. This is the “Library Catalogs + Articles” choice that is already selected when you first start to search. But sometimes you just need to know if the NU Libraries (Snell, Law, African-American Institute) have a specific book, video, or journal, and you don’t want all that extra stuff. That’s where you want to click the area marked above to select a different option. Choose “Library Catalogs” instead. You can do this on our library home page (shown above) or in the Scholar OneSearch environment: Now when you do a search, two things will be different:
  1. No articles will be included in your results, and
  2. It will only show you books, e-books, videos, journals, etc. that the NU Libraries own or have access to.
Here I have selected “Library Catalogs” and am about to do a search on “language acquisition”: Here’s the top of my results list. I got 915 items. Notice that the items shown are a journal and a couple of books, and also that on the left-hand side under Material Type I can select just Books, or just Video and Audio, or whichever I choose, but that Articles is not one of the choices. The same search as above, under the “Library Catalogs + Articles” selection, gives over 420,000 results (!!!), most of them articles. So if you don’t want articles to overwhelm the other items, it pays to change the selection of where to search. You may also want to choose the “Library Catalogs” option when you have a specific item in mind and you want to see if the library has it. For example, let’s look for the book Life of Pi. First I’ll look using the default “Library Catalogs + Articles” option: This search brought back over 369,000 results! And the first 3 items I can see are two articles and a video. It’s not obvious from here if we have the book or not. Now let’s try it with “Library Catalogs” selected: Much better! Only 28 results, first of all, and the first two are the movie and the book, so I can see right away that we own the novel (although it was checked out at the time of writing this post). So, you can see that changing the selection to “Library Catalogs” can help make a much narrower target for your searches. If you were familiar with our old library catalog, NUCat, you’ll see that the “Library Catalogs” option mimics the types of results you would get from NUCat. What Scholar OneSearch tips would you like to learn about? Let us know! Related information:

Four Great Reasons to Sign In to Scholar OneSearch

You’ve tried the new search box on the library web page and it seems just fine. But did you know that you can get even more out of it when you sign in? Sign In to Scholar OneSearch   If you’re a current NU student, faculty, or staff member, here are 4 great reasons to sign in to Scholar OneSearch every time you use it: 1. If you sign in, you get more high-quality search results. This is because the NU Libraries subscribe to some great scholarly content that will display ONLY if you show you’re affiliated with the university. Web of Science (the Thomson Reuters citation indexes), ArtSTOR, GeoRef (American Geological Institute), and MLA Bibliography (Modern Language Association) have key scholarly citations that you will only see if you sign in with your myNEU credentials. 2. If you sign in, you can make requests. Some full text and book requesting options are only available to NU affiliates. Signing in lets you see all the options available to you. 3. If you sign in, you can save your work. Whether it’s individual citations, or whole batches of results, you can make folders for different projects, and even save searches to update and run again at a later date. Instead of having to remember another password, this service is based on the same credentials you use for myNEU. 4. If you sign in, you can see your account information. You can view and renew the items you have checked out from the library, and see the requests you have made and waiting lists you are on. And here’s another tip:

Think about connecting directly to Scholar OneSearch the next time you’re in myNEU. Just go to the “Services and Links” tab in myNEU (or use the library tab, if you’re a faculty/staff member), and look under “Useful Links”. Because Scholar OneSearch recognizes your NU identity, you will automatically be signed in. Give it a try, and let us know if you think it’s worthwhile!

Spread the word: New full-text e-resources in medicine, pharmacy, and physical therapy are now available

AccessPhysiotherapy covers physical therapy, AccessMedicine covers medical/health sciences, and AccessPharmacy is the tool of choice for pharmacy. These resources from McGraw-Hill were designed especially for instructors and students, with a focus on curricular topics, Q & A, self-assessment, core titles for assigned reading, high quality images, animation tools to convey concepts, and videos that demonstrate clinical practices.  Content can be embedded in Blackboard. Mobile access: These resources are optimized for the iPhone, Google Android devices and the Blackberry Bold. Highlights: AccessPhysiotherapy
  • 500+ videos and narrated lectures in key topics in orthopedics, neurology and sports medicine; demonstrations of various examination and treatment techniques
  • Anatomy and Physiology Revealed”, a powerful cadaver dissection tool with imaging slides and animations
  • Essentials of Neuroscience in Physical Therapy”, an ongoing lecture series, which combines graphics, case studies, and narration to teach key neuroscience and neuroanatomy concepts relating to physical therapy
  • “Custom Curriculum”, a cutting edge tool to assign, manage, and track the progress of student assignments
  • 77 essential medical texts, including “Harrison’s Online”, “Hurst’s The Heart”, “Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment”, and “DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination”
  • Thousands of photos and illustrations
  • Diagnosaurus, the differential diagnosis tool
  • Interactive patient safety modules, musculoskeletal exams, case files, and Q & A
  • 200+ procedural videos and Grand Rounds lectures
  •  Drug databases, cases, self-assessment tools, animations, and full text of these core titles:
    • DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach, 8e
    • Pharmacotherapy Casebook: A Patient-Focused Approach, 8e
    • Goodman & Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 12e
    • Applied Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics, 6e
    • Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 12e
    • Casarett & Doulls Essentials of Toxicology, 2e
    • Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists, 4e
    • Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology, 24e
    • Pharmacy and Federal Drug Law Review
    • Pharmacy Student Survival Guide, 2e
    • Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 6e
Register for a My AccessMedicine, My AccessPharmacy or My AccessPhysiotherapy account to enter the mobile sites, save and download images, bookmark content pages, view and print CE certificates, customize patient education handouts, re-run recent searches, and use the Custom Curriculum. For more information on health sciences resources, please see the biomedical and health subject guides.  

Scholar OneSearch Quick Tip: E-Journal Finder

Now that Scholar OneSearch is live, we want to help you get the most out of this research tool!  This is our first installment in a series of Scholar OneSearch Quick Tips. Today’s tip: accessing and using the e-journal finder. You can access the list of all our e-journals through the E-journal A-Z link at the top right of the Scholar OneSearch page.   Access the E-Journal A-Z list   Once you’re on the E-journal A-Z page, if you’d like to limit to a specific journal title or a research area, you can enter terms into the search box (as I did for “secondary education” here):   Searching e-journal list for a research area     More details on each title are available under the tabs. For example, you can view our holdings information for any of those journals by clicking the ‘view online’ tab:   Holdings information is available under the 'view online' tab   What Scholar OneSearch tips would you like to learn about?  Let us know! Related information: