Escape Pod

Escape Pod

Any science fiction fans out there? If so, there’s a good chance you already know about Escape Pod. But in case you don’t, here’s all you need to know. Escape Pod is a weekly science fiction literary podcast. Every episode contains one SF short story as well as commentary by editor Steve Eley. Escape Pod stories run the gamut from life on other planets to superheroes to the dangers and wonders of technology. Most episodes are under an hour and are great to listen to on your daily commute, hanging out at home or while doing an otherwise mundane task. I just started listening to Escape Pod a few months ago but they have episodes on their website ( going back to the launch of the podcast in 2005. Here are some of my favorite episodes to date: The Color of a Brontosaurus – Archeologist tries to travel back in time. Immortal Sin – Man attempts to live forever to avoid paying for his sins. Results – The danger of knowing too much. Impossible Dreams – A must-listen for any movie lover. So if you’re not a fan of Escape Pod yet, I highly recommend checking it out. And if you prefer horror or fantasy fiction, try Escape Pod‘s sister podcasts Pseudo Pod and Pod Castle. And in the words of Steve Eley, Have fun.