
After Restaurant Week

Mmmhmm, you had a wonderful experience at your favorite restaurant and now you feel, oh, a little bloated. Feeling a little pressed for time, maybe, with exams or work or just life in general. As a fitness professional (in addition to being a professional business librarian), I have heard just about every reason why you can’t work out – and it keeps me very busy in my time away from the library! In case you didn’t know, Campus Recreation offers a variety of options for helping you take off that little extra. If you need an extra push, beginning instruction, variety, or want to take it to the next level, they have personal training available at very reasonable rates. If you haven’t looked at their PT programs lately, take another look – they have a number of options available – some of their packages even include a group exercise class every week! If you want to learn something new in a group environment, you could sign up for one of their instructional programs (NU-OPPS) – try out hip-hop, swimming, or even hula hoop! These are short-term classes, so you can try out a variety of different programs. With all these opportunities to get moving, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t.