Library News

Northeastern Hosts First Farmer’s Market on Campus

July 20, 2011 marked the (much anticipated) first ever farmer’s market at Northeastern! Due to issues involving city permits, the event had to be postponed for many weeks; however, it was well worth the wait! Heaven’s Harvest Farm, located in New Braintree, MA, is a certified organic farm, partnered with six other farms in the surrounding Massachusetts area. Heaven’s Harvest Farm provided fresh picked, organic products including Asian greens, lettuces, sweet potatoes, tomatos, eggplant, broccoli, spinach, sweet corn, berries, apples, herbs, pears and peaches (to name a few). They also had eggs and cheese! The market was held in Centennial Circle, between Ryder Hall and Ruggles Station, from 12pm to 6pm and it was such a hit that much of the produce was gone by 4pm. The Farmer’s Market will be on campus every Wednesday until late fall, so if you missed out on this week, you still have plenty of other opportunities. I recommend getting there early so you don’t miss out on their selection of produce!

Argo Tea Construction Underway

Construction is underway as Snell Library’s CyberCafe gets transformed into Boston’s first ArgoTea. ArgoTea offers a variety of specialty beverages derived from an assortment of global teas and coffee. There’s one for everyone! From sweet and fruity to dark and bitter with a little bit of everything in between- you’re sure to be satisfied! As with any construction comes a little (or a lot!) of noise, so please excuse the additional auditory effects in the library as construction is completed. ArgoTea is expected to open the first week of August! Get a head start and choose your favorite beverage by checking out the menu online: Any questions or concerns about the construction of ArgoTea can be directed to Frank Mahoney, Director of Special Projects, at

University Archivist and Head of Special Collections Departs Northeastern

Joan Krizack, University Archivist and Head of Special Collections, will depart Northeastern University after 17 years since her arrival as the founding archivist. Joan resigned her position on July 7th to pursue a career as a freelance consultant. Joan leaves a legacy at the University of several hundred historical collections that document the struggles and triumphs of Boston’s African American, Chinese, Latino and GLBTQ communities. She has also received numerous awards; most recently the Champions of Freedom Award for her work managing Northeastern University’s collection of the historical records of Boston’s Freedom House and digitizing the Freedom House photograph collection. View the press release in its entirety below:

Extensive journal content purchased through Elsevier backfiles

Good news!  The Library now provides online access to an additional 3-4 decades of scholarly research and knowledge. The online “backfiles” are now available for the following Elsevier journals in the ScienceDirect database : Nuclear Physics A  (Includes Nuclear Physics):  1956-1994 Nuclear Physics B:   1967-1994 Journal of Chromatography A:  1958-1994 Tetrahedron:  1957-1994 Physics Letters B (Includes Physics Letters):  1962-1994 Journal of Molecular Biology:  1966-1994 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A  (Includes Nuclear Instruments; Nuclear Instruments and Methods; and Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research):  1957-1994 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications: 1960-1994 Physica A (Includes Physica): 1934-1994 Experimental Cell Research:  1950-1994 Developmental Biology: 1959-1994 Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Includes Journal of Less Common Metals): 1959-1994 Discrete Mathematics: 1971-1994 This content can be found by searching individual titles in TDNet (the ejournal finder) and also by searching the ScienceDirect database.  You will also be able to link to this content when searching any of the major databases on the A-Z list  that have a “check for full text” link in the record. I hope you enjoy these resources and the new access!