[Update] On June 3rd, the petition supporters reached their goal of 25,000 signatures!
This year, the Obama administration has been actively considering the issue of public access to the results of federally funded research. The administration is currently considering which policy actions are priorities that will it will act on before the 2012 presidential election season begins in earnest. Supporters of open access to research results hope to demonstrate a strong public interest in expanding the
NIH Public Access Policy across all U.S. federal science agencies. As a supporter of open access to information, I agree with them.
On Monday
, a petition calling for public access to federally funded research was posted on the White House’s “We the People” site. If the petition garners
25,000 signatures within 30 days, it will be reviewed by White House staff, and
considered for action. I’ve signed the petition, and so have over 7,000 other people as of today.
For more information on open access issues and initiatives in the library, see the
library’s information page, the
subject guide, or
this recent 3Qs with Dean Will Wakeling from news@Northeastern.
The number of signatures went over 25,000 this weekend! It will be officially “considered for action”, and receive a White House response.
Yes – the post has been updated to include this info!
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