After this long apocalyptic winter that buried Boston under an endless amount of snow
Since, you know, Boston relocated to north of the wall
I think we’re all kind of glad that it’s finally finals.
Well, some of us are
Sure, you have to get through a couple of research papers, lab reports, final projects, and exams…
But in just two short weeks it’ll be summer!
No more coats = No more responsibilities
And to help you get there, Snell Library has quite a few de-stressors planned for you so look forward to study breaks with goodies and giveaways and a special finals-themed twitter challenge!
Speaking of the challenge… it’s not really a challenge. It’s actually really simple:
Starting on Tuesday (4/21), you can share your best study tip with @ClubSnell and use #SnellStudyTips on Twitter for a chance to win a $10.00 gift card to the Northeastern Bookstore! Five randomly selected study tips will be chosen and announced next Tuesday (4/28) afternoon and we’ll reach out to those lucky winners on more information about how to receive their gift card.
If you haven’t already, start following @ClubSnell on Twitter to keep an eye out for impromptu study breaks and to submit your #SnellStudyTip.
Happy Finals!