Publishing Workshop with Gordon Hutner, Editor of American Literary History

Students in the humanities should consider attending this event on Thursday, January 27th. Even if you’re not an English major or grad student, if you’re considering a career in research and publishing in the humanities, I recommend hearing what Dr. Hutner will share about what goes into publishing a scholarly journal! Here are the full details of the event, from the NU calendar: 440 Egan Research Center Thursday, January 27, 2011, 12 – 1:15pm Professor Gordon Hutner, a distinguished scholar of American literature and founding editor of the journal American Literary History, will be conducting a publication workshop to discuss how to publish work in a journal such as ALH. This is an incredible opportunity for students to meet an important figure in the field and to receive an inside view of the publication process. Prof. Hutner will also deliver a talk the same afternoon as part of the Barrs Lecture Series. The talk is titled “The 21st Century American Novel: A History” and will be held at 5:30 p.m. in 340 Egan. Please plan to attend both of these events, and come prepared for lively and valuable discussions. Type of Event: Workshop/Training Audience: Faculty/Staff, Students, Public Cost: None Sponsor: Department of English, Co-Sponsored by the Humanities Center Contact Name: Department of English Contact Phone: 617-373-4540 Contact Email: More info:

Student-Run Publications Keep NU Informed, Entertained, and Impressed

It’s pretty common for universities to have a student-run newspaper and a yearbook, and ours, of course, are excellent. But until I started compiling this list, I didn’t realize what a wide variety of other student publications we have on campus. They showcase student research, journalism, literary and artistic talent, and more. (And they’re practically indistinguishable from professionally produced magazines that have much bigger budgets and staffs that aren’t also going to school full-time.) ⇒ The Cauldron Back issues available online through the Internet Archive! Publishing frequency: Annual Established in: 1917 About: Northeastern University Yearbook ⇒ ECONPress Publishing frequency: Twice a year Established in: 2010 About: “ECONPress is a student-run undergraduate research publication that is published twice a year at the beginning of each fall and spring semesters. Each issue features the best economic research of undergraduate students in the local Boston area. ECONPress provides a forum for the economic undergraduate community to engage in active discussion and debate about the topics, theories, and applications they’ve learned in the classroom. Students may submit within three different categories: articles, essays, and research papers. In addition to the publication, ECONPress hosts a biannual conference where authors will have a chance to present their research to the local economic community. Invited authors featured in ECONPress will have the opportunity to present their findings as part of an itinerary that includes a prominent economist. At ECONPress we hope to assist in the preparation of the next generation of economists by providing current undergraduate students a resource to experience and engage in a significant part of the professional research field.” ⇒ The Huntington News Publishing frequency: Weekly during fall and spring semesters; biweekly during summer Established in: 1926 About: “For 82 years, The Northeastern News was a major source of news at Northeastern University. Now known as The Huntington News, the paper went independent from the university and relocated its office to a leased space at 295 Huntington Avenue in the summer of 2008. In the new space, undergraduate students work alongside Northeastern alumni to maintain the high standard of quality the community has come to expect from its student newspaper.The News is published on Thursdays during the fall and spring semesters with more than 50 students contributing to its production. During the summer semesters, it is published every other Wednesday. The News is the most frequently published and well-read publication on campus. It features news, sports, entertainment and editorial sections, as well as a rotating special section with alternating subject matter.” ⇒ Northeastern University Political Review Publishing frequency: Quarterly in print with more frequent web updates Established in: 2009 About: “The Northeastern University Political Review seeks to be a nonpartisan platform for students to publish essays and articles of the highest possible caliber on contemporary domestic and international politics, as well as critical reviews of political media. The Political Review aspires to foster a culture of intelligent political discourse among interested individuals while promoting awareness of political issues in the campus community. The organization envisions itself as a place where students with a common interest in politics and world affairs may come together to discuss and develop their views and refine their opinions. The Political Review hopes to reflect the diversity of thought and spirit at Northeastern, including the dual ethic of academic and experiential education our school embodies.” ⇒ NUScience Publishing frequency: Twice a semester Established in: 2009 About: “NU Science is Northeastern University’s first ever on-campus science magazine. We are a student-formed and student-run group that meets every Wednesday to discuss scientific events and create a product that educates and enlightens the NU community.” ⇒ Spectrum, Northeastern’s Literary Arts Magazine Publishing frequency: Three times a year Established in: 1965 About: “Spectrum Literary Arts Magazine is dedicated to showcasing the unique and extraordinary talents of the Northeastern University community. Each issue includes a wide variety of original material submitted by students and faculty. Spectrum’s editors and members work to publish the magazine three times per year: an issue at the end of both the Fall and Spring semesters, and a calendar issue at the beginning of the school year. With the continued efforts of its editors, members, and generous submitters, Spectrum tries to spread the appreciation of literary and visual art.” ⇒ Tastemakers Publishing frequency: Bimonthly Established in: 2007 About: “tastemakers magazine provides northeastern university students with the opportunity to comment on and interact with the music industry. we print a bi-monthly magazine, publish on the web, produce the tastemakers presents concert series, and host a podcast on iTunes, tastemakers radio. our goal is to bring honest, informed opinions to our readers and help our members develop their craft.” Other student publications that have existed in recent years include The Onyx Informer, The NU Patriot, and Times New Roman, but I was unable to find up-to-date information about them. If you are involved in any of these publications and know that they are still actively publishing, please leave a comment and I’ll update the post. Or, if there are student-run publications (either print or online) that aren’t in this post at all, leave a comment about that, too!

On This Day: January 21

On this day in history, the great author George Orwell died in London. Perhaps best known for his dystopian novel 1984, George Orwell was a proponent of social justice in his time. Today we read his books and take from them the lessons of equality, freedom, and justice that were being expressed in the 1940s. The library has a great collection of books, videos, e-books, and more that you can find here, or by searching for George Orwell on NUCat. Take some time out to read or re-read some of the 20th century’s finest literary works!

Photocopiers! Trying to Find a Photocopier? Me Too!

Today I noticed a lot of students looking for copiers. There are actually several throughout the building. I thought this post might help you to find the ones you can use. Coin/cash machines on 3rd and 4th Level There is one coin/cash machine on Level Three and one on Level Four near the back elevator. The other copiers on that floor take old print/copy cards– if you still have an old card you can add value to these. We are in the process of changing systems, so sorry, we are no longer dispensing them. When we know more details about the full transition date, we will let you know right here. Husky card machines in Cyber Cafe and 2nd Level There are two copiers that accept husky card dollars: one is on Level One in the Cyber Cafe, the other is on Level Two near the print newspapers (turn left and follow wall as you walk from the main stairwell onto the floor, past the newspapers). *Vandalism Alert* – Unfortunately, yesterday, several of the copy machines had the tops torn off them. This has been reported to the Northeastern Police Department, who is investigating. The photocopy vendors have also been informed in order to make repairs. Hopefully you will have smooth copying experiences. Please go ahead and post updates. Sincerely, Maria Carpenter Director, Advancement, Marketing and Communications x2821

Game Design and Interactive Media Lecture Series

Today, January 18, at 1:30pm there will be a lecture in the Raytheon Amphitheater (240 Egan) by Ed Fries. Ed Fries is awesome because he is co-creator of the Xbox, the creator of “Halo 2600” for the Atari 2600, founder of FingerPrints, and is a former Microsoft Vice President of Game Publishing. This event is open to both students and professionals in the area and should be an amazing talk with Mr. Fries. If you are interested in game design, interactive media, animation, or if you have just played on an Xbox before you should attend! Also, this lecture is part of an ongoing event series by the Creative Industries Program and College of Arts called the 2011 Game Design and Interactive Media Lecture Series. Keep an eye out for more terrific events like this in the future! UPDATE, 5:10pm, 1/18/11: Unfortunately, this event was cancelled due to bad weather. Hopefully it will be rescheduled. Check the lecture series’ website for further updates.