Tomorrow, March 24, Northeastern is hosting the Research and Scholarship Expo in the
Cabot Cage. It takes place from 11 am- 2:30 pm and is an exhibition and poster session for student and faculty research.
Hillary Corbett, Scholarly Communications Librarian, will be representing the Library and sharing information about
IRis, a digital archive that collects, manages, preserves, and shares the intellectual output and historical record of Northeastern University, in booth 142.
The Library has recently implemented a new platform for IRis,
Digital Commons, which offers enhanced options for publishing journals and other materials. Hillary says, “Universities produce plenty of material that may not get published through traditional means. With the Digital Commons software, faculty can produce online journals, conference proceedings, e-books, and more. Northeastern University celebrates its global experience and outreach, and faculty and researchers will be able to leverage the openness of IRis to increase the global impact of their work.”
Download a brochure about IRis
Be sure and stop by Cabot on Wednesday, to see the Expo and visit Hillary!