Goodbye to a Boston native, Tasha Tudor

Book Jacket Tasha Tudor, born in Boston, died at age 92 a week ago last Thursday. Her lovely illustrations for children’s books seem like they are from the nineteenth century, so much so that I’m not sure I realized she was still living until I heard the news. I remember being transported by her pictures in a book of fairy tales (shown at left) when I was a little girl. Like Garth Williams and Beatrix Potter they are really grown-up art, art that shows a deep respect for children and their imaginations, art to transport children to some lofty, magical place, the opposite of everyday and mundane. Anyone else have any favorites?

1 thought on “Goodbye to a Boston native, Tasha Tudor”

  1. I’m not that familiar with Tasha Tudor–though after your post, I did check out her family’s website: and it sounds like they have an ambitious plan to open a dedicated museum at some point in the future. Her aesthetic reminds me a bit of Gwen Frostic, whose stationery I love and use. One of my favorite children’s book author/illustrators was (and is) Barbara Cooney. Miss Rumphius and Emily my two favorites.

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