The word is out, the front doors are being fixed!

Well, I am just thrilled to see a few people fixing the front doors to Snell Library. I think this is really going to happen. My guess is that the entry will be fully accessible. Great news for those of us who use assistive devices or tote roller bags!

Snell Library: 20th Anniversary Director’s Cut

Want to be a library star? This year marks the 20th anniversary of Snell Library, and we intend to celebrate. At the epicenter of our celebrations will be a web video that we need your help with. We’re inviting all current NU students who love the library for an on-camera interview this summer as part of the project. We want to  talk to you about what makes the library special and why you keep coming back. This could be you. Please contact Programming and Communications Comittee chair Tom Urell at or 617-373-8346. Please keep in mind that this project is still in development, so we may not be able to answer all questions as of now. Thanks, and we hope to hear from you!

Summertime, living’s easy

Our summer reading display is up. Go to the lobby and check out the large display case. All the visuals and designs are courtesy of Krissy Lattanzio. I still am debating putting some actual books up in the case, but not every book mentioned. I feel this would help grab people’s attention and make the display jump out. So there may be more to come.

Shades of Greatness: The Art of Negro League Baseball

In gallery 360, an travelling art exhibit on the Negro League baseball teams of the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s is currently on display. The display, titled “Shades of Greatness,” is a combination of oils, mixed media, photography and sculpture. The works highlight the importance of the Negro Leagues in African American culture. This exhibit may be considered a larger extension of the small display that can be seen on the first floor of the library. (See the blog post on that display here). The exhibit has been up since May 17th and will close on July 23rd. Gallery hours are Monday to Friday, 10am to 7pm. If you would like to schedule a group tour with LSCC, please contact or call 617-373-5845.

Summer goal-setting for academics

I like to share interesting and useful blog posts that I find, and this morning I read one that resonated with me because I’m gearing up to set goals for both the summer and the coming year. Chances are, you are, too! In higher ed, we tend to think of summer as “project time,” whether we’re gearing up to start researching for a new article or book, or finally turning our attention to something that’s been pushed to the back burner during the academic year. But so often, it seems like the summer’s over before we know it, and the projects haven’t gotten done. Kerry Ann Rockquemore writes a blog called “Career Advice” for Inside Higher Ed; her post this morning is “Support for Summer Writers: No More Post-Summer Regret.” Rockquemore offers useful advice on planning what she calls SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attractive, Realistic and Time-Framed. So, instead of your goal being “work on book,” it might be “complete first draft of chapter 2 by August 1st.” She advises that we look carefully at our calendars for the summer, making sure that time already committed to other things (vacation, conferences, etc.) is blocked out. Only then will we know exactly how much time we can devote to our summer goals and be able to make realistic plans. I know that I definitely work more effectively, and feel more of a sense of accomplishment, when I have a “to-do” list and can cross things off as they’re completed. But I do have a tendency to make those “work on book”-type goals that are vague and have no specific timeline, and now I can see that I’m setting myself up for failure by doing so. So, the first item on my to-do list for today is: “Look at calendar and determine specific schedule for working on summer projects.”