Keep track of your BLC books!
Are you one of the thousands of Northeastern students and researchers who borrow books using interlibrary loan through the BLC (Boston Library Consortium) partnership program?
If so, this is a heads up that beginning June 1, BLC books are subject to overdue fines.
These books and DVD’s are the ones with the white bands wrapped around the cover saying “Boston Library Consortium.”
This means books, CDs, and DVDs that you borrow from our partner libraries in the BLC will now be subject to the same fines as Northeastern books. (You can look up the fine information on our web site.)
Why are we doing this? Because it’s important for us to maintain good relationships with our partner libraries. If we do not return books to them, they can’t serve their own populations of students and researchers. And it can be hard for us to return items in a timely manner when we do not charge fines.
The good news is that it’s easy for you to avoid fines! All you need to do is note on your calendar when your books are due, and always read your email reminders from the library. We notify you 3 days before fines begin, and we follow up with another email on the day the book is due.
You may also check your library account at any time to see what you currently have checked out and the due dates.