Keep track of your BLC books!

Are you one of the thousands of Northeastern students and researchers who borrow books using interlibrary loan through the BLC (Boston Library Consortium) partnership program? If so, this is a heads up that beginning June 1, BLC books are subject to overdue fines. These books and DVD’s are the ones with the white bands wrapped around the cover saying “Boston Library Consortium.”

  This means books, CDs, and DVDs that you borrow from our partner libraries in the BLC will now be subject to the same fines as Northeastern books.  (You can look up the fine information on our web site.) Why are we doing this?  Because it’s important for us to maintain good relationships with our partner libraries.  If we do not return books to them, they can’t serve their own populations of students and researchers.  And it can be hard for us to return items in a timely manner when we do not charge fines. The good news is that it’s easy for you to avoid fines!   All you need to do is note on your calendar when your books are due, and always read your email reminders from the library.  We notify you 3 days before fines begin, and we follow up with another email on the day the book is due. You may also check your library account at any time to see what you currently have checked out and the due dates.  

Speeches, Posters, and the Presidency: Michael Dukakis’ 1988 Campaign

In the past few weeks, the nation has had a number of politicians announce their intentions to run for the presidency. Soon the television, radio, and internet will be flooded with political advertisements, and our lawns and billboards will be plastered with the slogans and faces of the candidates. The information overload which accompanies a presidential race is not a new phenomenon. Past elections show the same intensity and fervor from the politicians and political parties. I was recently reminded of this intensity while processing Michael Aronson’s Papers (M206), for Northeastern’s Special Collections and Archives.

Michael Aronson Papers (M206), FF4/D4

The collection offers a behind the scenes look at a presidential campaign through items collected from Michael Dukakis’ presidential campaign against George H. W. Bush during 1987-1988. Michael Aronson was a member of Dukakis’ speech writing team, leaving him with numerous items from the campaign including: • Speeches • Speech Drafts • Correspondence • Campaign Posters • Itineraries Even though Dukakis did not win the presidency, these materials represent an impressive campaign, and demonstrate the difficulty and challenges which accompany such an endeavor. The items, particularly the posters, also represent some of the less wholesome parts of a presidential campaign. The satirical and accusatory posters are interesting pieces of cultural and political history, which demonstrate the fine line that politicians tread when running for office.

Michael Aronson Papers (M206), FF4/D4

This collection offers a great opportunity to learn about political elections in the U.S. through primary evidence, and through a behind the scenes perspective, which media coverage does not always provide.

#SnellStudyTip Winners

Congratulations to our #SnellStudyTip challenge winners: Hannah (@hannahlorick), Nyera (@nyny_93), Eric (@iEricYun), Emily (@EmzWeis), and Adam (@adam_mccook) 

Check out the tips that won these students a $10.00 gift card to the Northeastern Barnes & Noble!

Setting goals is the way to go!


Natural light is the best light

Just make sure the 5 minute break is only 5 minutes...

Go flash card wild on the 1st and 2nd floors (just be respectful)

We love how passionate you are about silence on the 4th floor

  Congratulations winners! We’ll direct message you on Twitter and let you know when and where to pick up your gift cards.   They may not be winners, but these #SnellStudyTips deserve an honorable mention:


  And although these aren’t exactly study tips, they made some good points:

  Thank you to everyone who participated in this challenge. Follow these #SnellStudyTips and ace those finals!  

Finally, It’s Finals!

After this long apocalyptic winter that buried Boston under an endless amount of snow Since, you know, Boston relocated to north of the wall   I think we’re all kind of glad that it’s finally finals. Well, some of us are   Sure, you have to get through a couple of research papers, lab reports, final projects, and exams…   But in just two short weeks it’ll be summer! No more coats = No more responsibilities   And to help you get there, Snell Library has quite a few de-stressors planned for you so look forward to study breaks with goodies and giveaways and a special finals-themed twitter challenge! Goodies…?   Speaking of the challenge… it’s not really a challenge. It’s actually really simple: Starting on Tuesday (4/21), you can share your best study tip with @ClubSnell and use #SnellStudyTips on Twitter for a chance to win a $10.00 gift card to the Northeastern Bookstore! Five randomly selected study tips will be chosen and announced next Tuesday (4/28) afternoon and we’ll reach out to those lucky winners on more information about how to receive their gift card. If you haven’t already, start following @ClubSnell on Twitter to keep an eye out for impromptu study breaks and to submit your #SnellStudyTip.   Happy Finals!  

More scholarly content from Taylor and Francis!

The ink has just dried on our license to 1,700 scholarly e-journals from Taylor and Francis! This means more full text PDFs available when you’re linking from Scholar OneSearch, PubMed, Google Scholar, or whatever your favorite research starting point might be. It means less ordering from Interlibrary Loan for you, the researcher. And more space for student work and study, as we can remove print volumes of bound journals from the Snell Library stacks to make room for new tables and chairs. The collection includes publications from Taylor and Francis, Routledge, and Psychology Press. Older issues are available going back to 1997 (if the journal is that old). Other features:
  • Search by keyword or use the advanced search fields.
  • Select and save favorite Taylor & Francis Online resources by adding them to a marked list.
  • Receive RSS feeds and email alerts in areas of interest.
  • Download articles in PDF or HTML format.
  • Import citations into common reference software.
View a list of e-journals here.