The Snell Survey: What You Told Us
Many thanks to all of you who answered the library survey earlier this year! Have you been wondering about the results? Here are some highlights:
Who responded?
The survey was carried out at the end of the fall 2013 semester and the demographics were:
- 601 respondents
- 90% undergraduates
- Largest percentage by college: Engineering, 22% (By the way, this corresponds almost exactly to attendance numbers. According to the card swipes, 25% of those entering the Snell Library are from College of Engineering, more than from any other college!)
- 82.9% Printers
- 74.8% A quiet space free from distractions
- 72.2% Tables to spread out
- 71.8% Power outlets
- 71.1% Open 24/7 hours
Where do you like to work?
Here, in order of preference, are the floors respondents like to use at Snell Library:
- First place: Level 3
- Second place: Level 2
- Third place: Level 4
- Fourth place: Level 1
- We were also curious about what equipment you are using when you come to the library and how often. We learned that an astonishing 71% of respondents said they use their own personal laptop to the library twice a week or more. As far as other equipment goes, not surprisingly the print stations were next, with 65% using them twice a week or more, followed by the Infocommons desktops (22%), followed by personal tablets (18%).